
7 health benefits of singing and vocal lessons

To sing or not to sing? Have you thought of trying singing lessons, but feeling hesitant? Perhaps you have always wanted to sing, but never found the confidence to try? Well, if you love singing, but feeling unsure if you should consider vocal training, this post will give you some inspiration. Here are 7 health benefits of singing lessons, some of which may come as a surprise!

1. Your breath control and speaking voice will undergo a transformation

Alongside learning to sing, two other great benefits of taking singing lessons will be a significant improvement in your breath control and speaking voice.

During singing lessons, you will cover a variety of topics. They will include diaphragmatic breathing, articulation, projection, and performance. Vocal exercises, designed to help you train these areas, will also influence the way you speak. As a result, you will experience an improvement in the clarity, tone, diction, and expression of your speaking voice. 

The combination of breath technique, articulation and projection will help your speaking voice become more dynamic and ‘present’. And performance skills, will turn you into a much more confident communicator.

So, singing lessons will not only teach you how to sing, but they will also teach you how to truly make a statement with your voice

2. Your immune system may improve

According to research carried out by the Royal College of Music, singing boosts the immune system. Nearly 2000 choristers where tested for levels of stress hormone and illness-fighting chemicals. The results showed that singing reduces stress and leads to a boost in our immune activity.

3. Singing is good for the brain

Albert Einstein, Stephen Hawkin, Aristotle, Leonardo da Vinci, Benjamin Franklin, Plato – what do all these incredible individuals have in common? They were all musicians.

There are a lot of scientific studies, which indicate music education is beneficial for the brain. According to the Centre for Timing, Coordination, and Motor Skills, students who can perform complex rhythms can also make faster and more precise corrections in many academic and physical situations. And according to one study of four to five-year-olds, those with musical training had greater language abilities and memory for words.

4. Singing will tone your facial and stomach muscles

To become a good singer, you will need to learn how to effectively engage your facial, abdominal, and back muscles.

The diaphragmatic breath technique and sound production rely on good posture and adequate support from many different muscle groups.

So, during singing your muscles will undergo plenty of physical training, which will have a strengthening and toning effect. And because singing involves using your facial muscles in unique ways, it will also make your face look more energetic and dynamic.

5. Singing reduces stress levels, anxiety, and is a natural anti-depressant

Another wonderful health benefit of singing is that during singing we use much deeper breathing. This increases lung capacity and encourages greater oxygenation of the blood.

It also helps to decrease the levels of a stress hormone called cortisol in the blood stream. As a result, singing will help your mind and body to relax. And because singing releases endorphins, which are feel-good brain chemicals, it makes you feel happy!

6. Singing will boost your confidence

The thought of singing or speaking in front of a large group of people, can be paralysing. However, learning breath management along with a whole array of skills to improve your vocal presence, will help you overcome stage fright and boost your self-confidence.

With time, you may observe vast improvement in your presentation skills, which can be helpful in many different areas of life, including workplace.

7. You will discover a new form of expression

One of the greatest benefits of singing lessons is how they open a new and powerful medium of expression. Improvisation and performance skills combined with the knowledge of how to use your voice most effectively, will help you shape your thoughts and emotions into expression that is unique to you. So, alongside teaching you to sing your favourite songs, singing lessons will help you find your true voice.

singing lessons in peterborough

Good singing lessons will be challenging, but there are few activities as rewarding and beneficial for the body, mind, and personal development as singing. So, if you were unsure whether you should give singing a try, I hope the benefits of singing and vocal lessons listed here will help you make the best decision.

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